Thursday, January 12, 2017

Trivia Fact of the Day 1/13/17

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

In the spirit of Friday the 13th and unusual happenings...I'm going to skip the word origin today and introduce a word that 99.9% of you probably didn't know existed.  Today we celebrate....


Absquatulate (v) means to "leave somewhere abruptly".  In other words, 'deuces', 'gotta jet', 'bolt', 'scram'.

Lets try it in a sentence that is soon to sweep the steampunk scene...."Wither an egress, henceforth I shall absqatulate to new environs?!? ("Where's the door, I need to getdafahk outta here?!?")


Mid 19th century: blend (simulating a Latin form) of abscond, squattle ‘squat down’, and perambulate.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trivia Fact of The Day 1/12/17

Crazy Word Origin Week!!!

Day 2...." Sarcasm"

I'm generally regarded as a sarcastic, smart-ass curmudgeon by most of my closest relations.  Appropriately, today's word is "Sarcasm".  No really, it's realllllly interesting!

Sarcasm comes from the Greek word Sarkazein which literally means "Tear Flesh".

So when I'm inevitably called a sarcastic tool this week.I'll take it as if I am not unlike a medieval spiked flail.  No, really.  I'm like that.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

1/11/17 Trivia Fact of The Day

Trivia Fact of the Day!

The Lemur's name comes from a Latin word that means "spirit of the dead". The person that named them cited their nocturnal nature as a source of influence.

See a resemblance?
 Tune in tomorrow for more trivia facts!  Remember to come play Tuesday Night Trivia at Backroads Bar and Grill in Holly Tues @ 8pm, the more people in your team, the bigger the prize!